Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 3:38 AM
Course: Moodle Activity Examples (Moodle Activity Examples)
Glossary: US Educational Terms Glossary (Garland Green)

Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM)

An alternative way of measuring student performance in schools with mostly high-risk students—such as continuation schools or some county office of education schools—and schools with fewer than 11 valid test scores. (Ed Source)

Analytical Trait scoring

A method for assigning a summary score to a product performance or work sample based on a prior analysis that defined the key traits dimensions or characteristics possessed by the class of objects being scored. The object is scored independently against each dimension and a summary score is calculated following a set formula. The summary score may be a simple total (or average) across dimensions a weighted total or a more complex algorithm. An example might be the scoring of a piece of persuasive writing on such traits as attention to audience correct use of grammar and punctuation focus on the topic and persuasiveness of argument.

Annual Measurable Objective (AMO)

The annual target for the percentage of students whose test scores must be proficient or above in English/language arts and mathematics. Meeting the AMO is the first step toward demonstrating adequate yearly progress under the federal law No Child Left Behind (NCLB). (Ed-data)


alcohol and other drugs


Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development


Teacher-made tests, standardized tests, or tests from textbook companies that are used to evaluate student performance.


  • A term applied to students who have not been adequately served by social service or educational systems and who are at risk of educational failure due to lack of services negative life events or physical or mental challenges among others.

  • Students may be labeled at risk if they are not succeeding in school based on information gathered from test scores, attendance, or discipline problems.


Association of Teacher Educators


alcohol tobacco and other drugs

authentic assessment

An assessment presenting tasks that reflect the kind of mastery demonstrated by experts. Authentic assessment of a student s ability to solve problems for example would assess how effectively a student solves a real problem.