Tuesday, 25 June 2024, 12:15 AM
Course: Moodle Activity Examples (Moodle Activity Examples)
Glossary: Theatre Glossary (Mike Green)

Elements of Drama

Six major elements of drama according to Aristotle: plot, character, theme, dialogue, music, and spectacle.

Emotional Perception

The detection and apprehension of emotional states, feelings and reactions both in oneself and others.

Emotional Recall and Expression

Emotional perceptions elicited from past experiences which can be used in understanding, portraying, and reflecting on the human condition and human behavior.


Ability to feel with another person or to put oneself in another's position; to vicariously experience the sensual and emotional state of another person. To empathize is to "walk in the shoes" of another. Empathy feels with a character; sympathy feels for a character.


The process and fulfillment of creating a believable being outside oneself.


The dynamic interaction and harmonious blending of the efforts of the many artists involved in a dramatic activity or theatrical production.


Analysis and appraisal of personal efforts and the efforts of others.


Individual and group activities designed by the drama/theatre leader to teach process, skills, and concepts.