Monday, 1 July 2024, 3:05 PM
Course: Moodle Activity Examples (Moodle Activity Examples)
Glossary: Maths Terms for 11-13 Yr Olds

Stratified Sample

Where a population has been divided into strata based on common characteristics, a random sample drawn from each of the strata. Example: for the purposes of a school survey the pupils might be divided into age groups. The size of the sample drawn at random from each age group might be proportional to the relative sizes of the different age group for greater precision.


An expression including one or more square roots (or cube roots, fourth roots, etc.)


A set of points defining a space in two or three dimensions.


A plane figure has symmetry if it is invariant under (unchanged after) a reflection or rotation i.e. if the effect of the reflection or rotation is to produce an identical-looking figure in the same position. See also reflection symmetry, rotation symmetry. Adjective: symmetrical.



To make marks to represent objects counted, and record these marks in a table (tally chart).


1. A line that touches a curve at one point only.

2. A trigonometric function (more on these at GCSE level).


A solid with four triangular faces. A regular tetrahedron has faces that are equilateral triangles. Plural: tetrahedra.


A mathematical statement derived from previously accepted premises and established by means of a proof. A 'theory' is slightly different - this is a testable model that can be used to make predictions, but isn't yet proven.


In geometry, a type of transformation in which every point of a shape moves the same distance in the same direction; a transformation that is  specified by a distance and direction (vector).


A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of sides parallel.