Saturday, 22 June 2024, 8:40 AM
Course: Moodle Activity Examples (Moodle Activity Examples)
Glossary: Global History & Geography for 14-15 Yr olds USA) (Thomas Caswell)


The respect or devotion that others show someone or something


a dramatic change in ideas, practice, or government.

Rhodes, Cecil

(1853-1902) British statesman who was instrumental in assuring British dominance of southern Africa. He founded the De Beers Mining Company, eventually controlling 90% of the worlds diamond production. After becoming prime minister of the Cape Colony (now South Africa) in 1890, he used his influence to strengthen British control over the region. His master plan was to establish a Cape to Cairo railroad line that would link British colonial interests in Africa between Egypt and the Cape Colony in southern Africa. The Boers, however, provided heavy and eventually armed resistance to this proposal. After authorizing an aggressive invasion of the Boer Republic of Transvall which ended poorly, Rhodes was removed from office. However, the seeds of the Boer War had been sown.

rigid social class system

A social class system where there is no mobility. A person remains in the same class their entire life.


A moving body of water that usually has its source in an area of high ground.

river delta

The end of a river where rich deposits of silt build up. This is important to human habitation due to the excellent source of good farmland.

river valley

A valley that is carved out by the river. Often have fertile land, and are the sites for the earliest civilizations.

Roman Catholic

A branch of Christianity based in Rome. The original Christian church.

Roman Empire

The territories ruled by ancient Rome which at one time encompassed most of the Mediterranean world and parts of France, England, and Germany. The empire lasted from 27 BCE to 395 CE.

Roosevelt Corollary

A political policy of the United States by President Theodore Roosevelt that states only the United States could intervene in the affairs of South America.