Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 7:49 PM
Course: Moodle Activity Examples (Moodle Activity Examples)
Glossary: Technical Glossary -- (Kurt Smith)

National Grid for Learning (NGfL)

A developing collection of resources brought together on the Internet to help raise standards in education and to support lifelong learning.


A widely used browser or client used to search and view information files on the World Wide Web. Another popular browser is Microsoft's Internet Explorer.


A graphical browser of the World Wide Web that provides search/retrieval programming, multimedia applications and e-mail functionality to users of the Internet.


Computers that are connected together and can communicate with each other or share resources such as computer programs or printers.

News Groups

Discussion forums organized around a particular interest, issue or activity. Can be used to share expertise, views and information, and debate issues.


A global Internet bulletin board - a collection of messages and articles organised into topics.

Notation (software/sequencer)

Some computer programs, written for music teaching, allow the production and editing of music scores, in much the same way that word processors are used to produce texts. In some cases the notation can be directly played on an instrument through a midi interface, in other cases the playing of the instrument through a midi interface will produce the musical notation.


Notepad is a Windows program normally used as a text editor. It is a text editor supplied with Windows. It is sometimes used to type in HTML code.
Notepad (if it's installed) can be opened by clicking on Start> Programs> Accessories> Notepad.