Potlines (Alia Alzaabi)

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Electrolytic cell

A typical aluminium reduction cell, commonly called a 'pot' is a rectangular shell lined wiht refractory thermal insulation, within this is an inner lining of carbon to contain the highly corrosive molten electrolyte and liquid aluminium.



materials that have structural properties exactly opposite of conductors. These materials are made up of atoms whose electrons are not easily freed.


Pot lining

the materials used to construct and shape the cathode of a pot. Ususally this term is further specified by its location such as side lining or bottom lining.


A number of cells or pots are connected in "series circuit" by thick aluminium bus-bars froming a Potline.

Potlines are the centre of the smelting operations at DUBAL. They are supported strongly by other closely related functions such as Power Operations, Carbon Plant, Potroom Services, Production Services, and Information Technology.


Process of heating the pot lining close to the operational termperature prior to its commisioning for production.



Is the opposition offered by a conductor to the flow of current.



Is the difference of electrical potential between two points in space. Voltage is the electrical force that causes free electrons to move from one atom to another.

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