Topic outline

  • Visual Art Department

    Kia ora koutou and welcome to the Visual Art Department

    What is Visual Art?

    We live in a world filled with images. The Visual Arts offers a way of engaging with that world through the creation and study of artworks.

    Art is the language of invention and progress, it enhances fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, problem solving skills, lateral thinking, complex analysis and critical thinking skills.

    Students develop visual literacy and aesthetic awareness while creating work that explores their sense of self, their environment, and greater global issues.

    Why study Visual Art?

    Visual Art creates opportunities for students to develop the following skills:

    • Managing self
    • Independent learning
    • Self-confidence
    • Creative thinking
    • Developing creative skills
    • Observational and analytical skills
    • Skills with the Adobe suite
    • Time management
    • Leadership opportunities


    Our belief:

    Knowledge is available on every Internet-connected device, what you know matters far less than what you can do with what you know. The capacity to innovate — the ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life — and skills like critical thinking, communication and collaboration are far more important than academic knowledge.

    Visual Art at PNBHS:

    Pathways for Art Students

    Some people excel at mathematics. Others have strengths in written language. Others excel in creative areas such as Painting, Photography and Design. If you are lucky enough to excel in two or three of these areas, you are part of a much smaller subset of the population. Those who are multi-skilled are astronomically more useful, well-rounded, hireable and capable of excelling in a much wider range of professions. Unless you are aiming for a degree that requires particular specialism, it can be beneficial to select a wide range of subjects.

    While Art continues to be a desirable option for students wishing to pursue ‘traditional’ creative careers, such as Architecture, Interior Design, Photographer, Designer or Painting / Fine Art related professions, the internet has seen an explosion of exciting, new roles emerge.