
  • Junior Examinations

        Palmerston North Boys’ High School

    Arrangements for Junior Examinations

    Thursday 13th June (Day 9) - Wednesday 19th June (Day 3) 2024





    Study leave details:

    • All Year 9 students have study leave from Thursday 13th to Wednesday 19th of June inclusive. Normal school commences Thursday 20th June.
    • Please note - No assembly in the mornings.


    Core Examinations:   Thursday 13th June to Tuesday 18th June

    • Times: 9.15am – 11.15am.      
    • Please ensure you are at the Hall by 8.55am at the latest - 20 minutes before the examination starts. 
    • All Year 9 core examinations are of two hours duration.
    • Core examinations are in the hall for all students except the following classes: 9RS, 9SN & 9WS who are in H1, H2 and H3 respectively. Please note that students in 9RS and 9WS may be given up to an extra 20 minutes to complete the examination.


    Option Examinations: Wednesday 19th June

    • Times: 9.15am – 11.15am
    • All option examinations are in the hall for all classes.  
    • Each option examination is of one hour duration.
    • On Wednesday morning those students who have two option examinations will do both their option examinations (one after the other) within the allocated two-hour examination time period. Students who only have one option examination will be permitted to leave to go home after one hour. Travel arrangements will need to be made unless students are remaining at school to study.
    • If students do not have an option examination, they are not required to come to school on Wednesday.
    • Please note that students taking TWD, TMC and Te Reo Māori have their option examination in the afternoon. Students will be given the specific day and venue prior to the examination on an individual examination timetable.


    Year 9

    Thursday 13th

    Friday 14th

    Monday 17th

    Tuesday 18th

    Wed 19th

    9.15am -11.15am



    9RS – H1

    9SN – H2

    9WS – H3



    9RS – H1

    9SN – H2

    9WS – H3



    9RS – H1

    9SN – H2

    9WS – H3



    9RS – H1

    9SN – H2

    9WS – H3






    1.10pm –


    9TWD, 9TMC and 9MAO -  see individual timetable


    Please note:

    • The examination timetable will be on Stratus and all students will be given a physical copy.
    • Please ensure you are at the Hall by 8.55am at the latest - 20 minutes before the examination starts. 
    • During study leave (Thursday to Wednesday) any student who needs to stay at school in the afternoon, must remain at school and report to the hall for supervised study at 11.35am. This includes bus students and day pupils who are at school to study. Supervised study rooms will be available.
    • Students who have lost study leave must report to the library as directed.  A roll will be taken.

     Students who miss examinations:

    • Year level Deans will organise as many catch-up examinations as possible during the examination week.

     Important things to remember:

    • Students must wear the correct school uniform to the examinations and be appropriately groomed.
    • Students are to go to the toilet before the examination commences if they need to. The supervisors are not going to let a huge number of students go to the toilet during the examination as it disrupts other students.
    • Note that students are not permitted to have their own writing paper in the examination room.
    • Students may not drink water during the examination.
    • Students who finish exceptionally early will be instructed to make a better effort or expect to re-sit it in their own time.  In such cases, the finish time will be recorded on their paper. School procedures for poor performance will be followed in such cases.
    • Students who finish within 30 minutes of the end of the examination (and not before) may read their SSR book.
    • Students must make sure they have the correct stationery for their examinations.
    • All students are to remain in the hall/examination room for the full duration of the examination.




    Study leave details:

    • All Year 10 students (except 10PA, 10DT & 10TR) have study leave from Thursday 13th June to Wednesday 19th of June inclusive. Normal school commences Thursday 20th June.
    • Please note - No assembly in the mornings.


    Core Examinations:   Thursday 13th June to Tuesday 18th June

    • Times: 1.10pm – 3.10pm.        
    • Please ensure you are at the Hall or classroom by 12.50pm at the latest - 20 minutes before the examination starts.
    • All core examinations are of two hours duration.
    • Core examinations are in the hall for all students except the following classes: 10HP, 10TR, & 10TM who are in H1, H2 and  H3 respectively.

    Option Examinations: Wednesday 19th June

    • Times: 1.10pm – 3.10pm
    • All option examinations are in the hall for all classes.  
    • Each option examination is of one hour duration.
    • Those students who have two option examinations will do both their option examinations (one after the other) in the afternoon of Wednesday 19 June within the allocated two-hour examination time period. Those students who only have one option examination will be permitted to leave to go home after one hour.
    • Travel arrangements will need to be made unless students are remaining at school to study.
    • Please note that some students may not have an option examination on this day as not all option subjects have an examination (please see below).

    Please note that students taking TWD, TMC and Te Reo Māori have their option examination in the morning. Students will be given the specific day and venue prior to the examination on an individual examination timetable.


    Year 10

    Thursday 13th

    (Study Leave)

    Friday 14th

    (Study Leave)

    Monday 17th

    (Study Leave)

    Tuesday 18th

    (Study Leave)

    Wed 19th

    (Study Leave)



    10TWD, 10TMC and 10MAO -  see individual timetable

    1.10pm -3.10pm



    10HP – H1

    10TM – H3



    10HP – H1

    10TR – H2

    10TM – H3



    10HP – H1

    10TR – H2

    10TM – H3



    10HP – H1

    10TR – H2

    10TM – H3






    10COM, 10DRA, 10EXE,  10FRE, 10GER, 10JAP, 10NZS,  10SSC





    Please note:

    • The examination timetable will be on Stratus and all students will be given a physical copy.
    • Please ensure you are at the Hall or classroom by 12.50pm at the latest - 20 minutes before the examination starts.
    • Students who have lost study leave must report to the library as directed.  A roll will be taken.

    During their study leave (Thursday 13th to Wednesday 19th) any student who needs to stay at school must remain at school and report to the hall for supervised study at 11.35am. This includes bus students and day pupils who are at school to study. Supervised study rooms will be available for the rest of the day.

    Students who miss examinations:

    • Year level Deans will organise as many catch-up examinations during the examination week.


    Important things to remember:

    • Students must wear the correct school uniform to the examinations and be appropriately groomed.
    • Students are to go to the toilet before the examination commences if they need to. The supervisors are not going to let a huge number of students go to the toilet during the examination as it disrupts other students.
    • Note that students are not permitted to have their own writing paper in the examination room.
    • Students may not drink water during the examination.
    • Students who finish exceptionally early will be instructed to make a better effort or expect to re-sit it in their own time.  In such cases, the finish time will be recorded on their paper. School procedures for poor performance will be followed in such cases.
    • Students who finish within 30 minutes of the end of the examination (and not before) may read their SSR book.
    • Students must make sure they have the correct stationery for their examinations.
    • All students are to remain in the hall/examination room for the full duration of the examination.