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  • Painting

    Level Two Painting – 12VPT

    Course Content: The aim of the Level 2 Painting course is to provide students with a thorough grounding in painting practices. Students are taught to understand the ways paintings are made and to develop knowledge of the current processes, procedures, materials and techniques. This involves how to carry out research, generate ideas and develop these ideas in a systematic way through to the finished painting. A workbook is kept throughout the year to record this process of development. Students are encouraged to use contemporary and traditional artist models to develop their own work. At the beginning of the year students are guided as to their approaches in painting, both in subject matter and media. For the remainder of the year, students choose their own theme to develop their ideas for their folio, looking at a range of appropriate artist models in both traditional and contemporary practice. This course offers students a more personal and in-depth study in their exploration of subject matter and media. 

    Assessment: Level 2 Painting is a 16 credit course offering two Achievement Standards.

    • Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice. (internally assessed - 4 credits)
    • Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within painting. (externally assessed - 12 credits)

    Entry Requirements: Entry into Level 2 Painting will be aided by the completion of Level 1 Visual Art. Where places are limited preference will be given to students who have taken Level 1 Visual Art and gained 12 external credits.

    Level Three Painting – 13VPT

    Course Content: This course offers students the opportunity to follow their own personal interests in greater depth as a result of having successfully completed Level 2 Painting. They are required to explore global issues that relate to a chosen area of interest and as a result, formulate their own themed study for the duration of the year. Students will use both traditional and contemporary artists as models for their own work to develop their individual proposals. Most of the year is spent generating, analysing, clarifying and extending drawings and paintings that explore their theme, using a variety of techniques, processes and methods.

    Scholarship: Students are given the opportunity to enter the scholarship examination in this subject. Conceptual thinking, practical, communication and analytical skills are required to submit for this portfolio of work. A thorough workbook containing research, written notes, critique reflections, visual notes are to be maintained throughout the year. Should students wish to enter scholarship for this course, they must discuss this with their teacher. 

    Level 3 Painting is an 18 credit course offering two Achievement Standards.

    • Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established painting practice. (internally assessed - 4 credits)
    • Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within painting practice. (externally assessed - 14 credits)

    Entry Requirements: Entry into Level 3 Painting will be aided by the completion of Level 2 Painting. Where places are limited preference will be given to students who have taken Level 2 Painting and gained 12 external credits.