Manawatu – Horowhenua Regional Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competition

Imagen de Ella Mitchell
Manawatu – Horowhenua Regional Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competition
de Ella Mitchell - Monday, 27 de June de 2016, 11:06

Manawatu – Horowhenua Regional Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competition

This year’s regional competition was held out at the Linton Army Camp for the first time in the competitions 51 year history. Over 500 students from around the region were in attendance to support their schools’ speakers and the level of oratory, once again, lived up to all expectations. The competition was co-hosted by PNBHS, Freyberg and Awatapu Schools.

 This year, Kaea Taylor represented us in the senior English section, taking out 2nd place in the impromptu speech. He chose the topic ‘Maori success is….’ And spoke for nearly three minutes in a well-structured and insightful manner. The judges noted ‘a very confident and articulate presentation of issues facing Maori today’. Kaea went on to place 5th overall. 

Zody Takarua spoke outstandingly in the junior English section to gain 2nd place overall, narrowly missing by just one point. The judges noting that the speech was ‘relevant, poignant and considered’.

The National Secondary Speech Contests are now entering their 51st  year with the national finals being held in September in Whangarei.