Relay for Life 2017

画像 Gerry Atkin
Relay for Life 2017
2017年 03月 8日(Wednesday) 13:09 - Gerry Atkin の投稿

At assembly this morning Michael Ioane addressed the school about the 2017 Relay for Life.  Cancer is a disease that has, to some extent, affected nearly everyone in our school community.  There would be very few of us who have had members of our extended families or networks of friends and colleagues who have escaped its scourge.  This weekend PNBHS will be represented by a team of approximately 60 young men at the Relay.  All of these young men have been busy over the last few weeks fundraising and we encourage our school community to support teams involved in the Relay for Life.  On Friday the Prefects will be holding a final fundraising sausage sizzle.  Additionally, there will be a collection as young men enter the hall for assembly and we encourage those families who can afford it to support this cause with a donation.

Michael finished his presentation this morning by quoting fellow Prefect, Hamzah Arafeh: “Sunshine all the time makes for a desert.  You see everything is relative, every once in a while you need darkness. So that you can appreciate the light, and sometimes darkness is what is best for us. A necessary pain needed to show us what we were missing, to launch us onto better things than what we asked for. If you ever find yourself in darkness remember - the sun will eventually rise, but know that the night is darkest before the dawn.”