The Science Roadshow

Picture of Ella Mitchell
The Science Roadshow
'mei a Ella Mitchell - Wednesday, 29 March 2017, 3:06 PM 'aho

This week we’ve had the Science Roadshow visit and set up their Science exhibits in the School Hall.  What a wonderful hands-on experience for our Junior students!  Many of our Junior students come to PNBHS having never done any Science prior so this is a great way to introduce them to many key ideas to get them thinking about Science in the real world.

The Science Roadshow is a non-profit organisation, which takes Science to schools and their communities all around the country.  For a minimal charge of $8 per student, the show is open to students up to Year 10.  There are 70 hands-on exhibits and two demonstrations.  Many of the exhibits are related to what the Junior school are or will be learning about in Science. The students thoroughly enjoyed the show and, hopefully, we can have them back again next year.