Funeral Service for Mr James Crosswell

Hình của Ella Mitchell
Funeral Service for Mr James Crosswell
Bởi Ella Mitchell - Monday, 1 May 2017, 3:43 PM

Dear PNBHS Community,

Re: Funeral Service for Mr James Crosswell

The funeral service for Mr Crosswell is to be held in the Palmerston North Boys’ High School hall at 1.00pm tomorrow, Tuesday 2 May.  We are anticipating a large number of people will attend the funeral service so encourage you to arrive early.  Parking will be provided on the school playing fields.  Please use the North Street gate and follow the marked route.

Young men will be released from class to perform the school haka as Mr Crosswell arrives at school, at approximately 12.45pm.  Students will be dismissed from school following the performance of the haka, at which time those who wish to attend the funeral can make their way to the school hall. 

If suitable transport arrangements are unable to be made for your son at this earlier time, or if you would prefer that he remain at school until the usual end of the school day, please notify the school office (354 5176) and he will be supervised at school until 3.20pm.

To accommodate the funeral arrangements, the School Cross Country will be postponed until Wednesday 3 May. 

Thank you again for your support in these difficult circumstances.

Yours faithfully,

D M Bovey