Darren Larsen Workshop

Picture of Ella Mitchell
Darren Larsen Workshop
i le Ella Mitchell - Thursday, 11 May 2017, 1:22 PM

Members of the 1st XV Training Squad and coaches from the top age group teams and 1st and 2nd XV rugby teams were treated to a coaching master class on Wednesday 10 May from Darren Larsen, Recruitment and Development manager for the Hurricanes.  As part of his role, Mr Larsen is the Hurricanes U18, U20 and Development coach and also plays a selection role in the NZ Secondary Schools and U20 teams.  He has enjoyed success across all these teams.  He has a wealth of knowledge and it was a privilege to have him pass on this knowledge to both the coaches and players at PNBHS during the workshop.   Mr Larsen also got the opportunity to discover a little bit about our development pathways for our players.  In particular he was very positive around the emphasis placed on getting the off field things right, including the character development and the importance of a productive academic pathway.