Sort It Expo

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Sort It Expo
Ella Mitchell - 2017年05月18日 Thursday 15:30

Sort It Expo

Today, our Year 10 students and selected Senior students had the opportunity to attend the annual Sort It Careers Expo which is being held in the Central Energy Trust Arena 2, Palmerston North. 

The expo has been expanded from previous years, both in terms of the number of exhibitors who are present and the range of study and career pathways that are displayed. 

The expo assists our young men to make good decisions about future study and career pathways. 

We encourage all parents to take their sons along to the expo between 6.00pm and 8.00pm tonight. The Sort It Expo represents a unique opportunity, at no cost, to gain insight into career opportunities for your son.

Sort It Careers Expo
Thursday, May 18 
6.00pm – 8.00pm 
Central Energy Trust Arena 2, Palmerston North