Prem A Basketball

Ella Mitchell 사진
Prem A Basketball
Monday, 19 June 2017, 1:00 PM 에 Ella Mitchell

Prem A Basketball vs Manukura (Game 17) and PNBHS Development White (Game 18)

PNBHS Prem A played Manukura for the second time in 5 days last Wednesday night. This time Callum McRae and Haize Walker did not play and it was another good chance for the bench players to get extra game time. Up 25 - 6 and 54 - 15 at the end of the first two quarters, PNBHS' fitness was far superior than the oppositions.

Jake MacKinlay had an outstanding game, top scoring with 17 points. Final score was a 87 - 41 win.

The Prem A played the PNBHS Development White team on Thursday evening. Missing Callum, Haize and the 3 NZU18 reps (Oscar, Tama and Cooper) who are leaving for China on Friday, it was up to the younger players to step up.

The White team had good systems and competed well. Taine Davies had a strong game. Final score was a 92 - 39 win to the Prem A. Top scorer was Kopere Tanoa with 21 points, Taine Evans scored 16 and Jack Pinder 11 points.