Renaissance Tour to Italy and Croatia 2020!

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Renaissance Tour to Italy and Croatia 2020!
Ella Mitchell發表於2018年 05月 11日(Fri) 16:25

Renaissance Tour to Italy and Croatia 2020! 

Information Evening in the Speirs Centre Wednesday 16 May at 7:00 pm.

This is an invitation to all current students who will be at PNBHS in 2020. 

For more information, go to Stratus. Click on Co-Curricular, Trips, Renaissance Italy Tour

The Aims of the Tour

  • Life experience & personal growth - this tour follows a high trust model. We teach you to be self-sufficient and seasoned traveler. Only two thirds of each day is filled with formal activities. You are expected to fill the remaining time by exploring, with your friends, attractions and experiences of your own initiative. 
  • Develop a broader world view - gain an appreciation for a foreign culture that is far removed from your comfort zone - but is very hospitable, knows how to deliver food and interesting experiences.
  • Build self-confidence: learn to use public transport in a foreign country, cope with foreign customs.  We expect you to go out and use your independence wisely. These are the moments when you will learn the most about yourself and the world about you.
  • Consider Europe as a future study option or return for your OE with good first hand knowledge of a region.
  • Increase Geographic knowledge.
  • Learn about the Renaissance period and its continued influence on our culture of today