International - Homestay

Avatar Ella Mitchell
International - Homestay
par Ella Mitchell, Wednesday 23 May 2018, 09:55


Namiki High School from Japan is visiting Palmerston North Boys’ High School from Sunday 29 July to Tuesday 7 August.

The boys' ages range from 15 to 16 years old. They will attend normal school days, some classes will be integrated and they will also have ESOL classes.

Requirements for Homestay are below:

We need warm, welcoming family homes to take care of these boys for their visit here in Palmerston North. This is a fantastic opportunity for families to experience learning about a new country, culture and language.

The student must have their own room, they cannot share and the bedroom must be in the home, i.e not a sleep out.

The homestay is for 9 nights, this is to include all meals with a packed lunch on school days.

Daily transport is required or they must be accompanied if walking to school or taking the bus.

There is to be only one Namiki student per homestay family and there can be no other Japanese student residing at the home.

You will receive a lump sum of $350 to host your student.

A Police vetting form is required to be completed in advance for all family members in the homestay over the age of 18 years.

Please email Wendy Christophers, Accommodation Manager at for a homestay application form or phone 354 5176 extn 775