New Zealand Leadership Week – Day 3 – Mr Ross Brown

Avatar Ella Mitchell
New Zealand Leadership Week – Day 3 – Mr Ross Brown
par Ella Mitchell, Thursday 5 July 2018, 09:40

New Zealand Leadership Week – Day 3 – Mr Ross Brown

 It was a pleasure to welcome Mr Ross Brown to our third assembly of New Zealand Leadership Week. Mr Brown is a former Napier Boys’ High School Headmaster. Before that he taught at Palmerston North Boys’ High School and is a former pupil.

Mr Brown started his presentation reminding the boys that every day should be Leadership Day.

 Mr Brown then spoke of the following that leaders do.

 Leaders …

·      build good teams – they recognise experts

·      cope with adversity

·      recognise those that do well

·      listen to others

·      are considerate, they care

·      are prudent and well-considered

·      consider ‘what was’ and then ‘what is next’ for the team

·      are cautious but want to do better

·      are Innovative

·      articulate expectations, they can speak

·      accept responsibilities for failure

·      use Us, we and our - not “I” and “me”

·      trust - they know they have mana

·      leave an endearing legacy that positivity benefits others 

Mr Brown spoke of some of the Leaders PNBHS has produced. Sir Harold Barrowclough and Fred Hollows and the legacies they have left. Mr Brown then spoke of the current leaders at PNBHS; Cultural Leaders, Sports Captains, Mentors and Prefects. He then asked “Which leaders at school do you admire and what are their special characteristics that make them good leaders?”

Good leaders, said Mr Brown, are good people.

Mr Brown concluded by saying be true to yourself, your whanau and family. Know your values. Be the best you can be. You have a dream, take small steps. You too can paint the white line in the blue sky. Set yourself some goals, strive to achieve them and everyone will be better off.

Aim to be an Educated Man of Outstanding Character

Thank you to Mr Brown for taking the time to share his knowledge and experiences with us on Wednesday morning.