OK Chorale

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OK Chorale
Ella Mitchell發表於2018年 08月 30日(Thu) 17:57

OK Chorale 

Good luck to the OK Chorale who have travelled down to Wellington today to compete in the National Big Sing Finale held in the Michael Fowler Centre. This is a highly prestigious competition with only 24 choirs selected nationally from close to 300 groups involved in regional festivals. The OK Chorale is only one of four all male groups taking part and will be outnumbered about eight to one by females at the event which is a challenge in itself. The choir performs two programmes covering a range of styles and languages and is judged on strict criteria by three international adjudicators. Many hours of rehearsal have gone into preparing for this event. At assembly yesterday, the OK Chorale were presented with Music ties and Super 8 badges for winning the music section of the Super 8 Cultural Festival earlier this year. Changhee Cho was also recognised for his significant contribution to Chamber Music. Robin Park and Carson Taare have already been awarded ties as members of the National Secondary Students Choir. The OK Chorale then performed three of their pieces to the school which they will be performing in the National Big Sing Finale tomorrow! We wish them all the best!

OK Chorale members: Ethan Bringas, Sebastien Cave, Changhee Cho, Callum Crawley, Christopher Dewhurst, Angus Grant, Oliver Inman, Miracle Malu, Pajoe Mapuilesua, Antariksh Nag, Robin Park, Liam Rodgers, Carson Taare, Tasi Vaha'i, Digby Werthmuller and Jude Wightman.