Une fête de Noël

Imagen de Ella Mitchell
Une fête de Noël
de Ella Mitchell - Monday, 10 de December de 2018, 17:15

Une fête de Noël

Last week, our Year 9 students of the French courses enjoyed “une fête de Noël” where, in most cases, they extended their palates and sampled some delicacies of the French culture. They were treated to :
· les escargots au beurre d’ail
· la baguette
· le pâté
· le fromage
· les crêpes à la chantilly avec le nutella

This was a fun experience for all involved. Students not only got to experience some aspects of the French cuisine, but had a go at making their own crêpes too. A positive ending to a year's studies in the French language and culture.