Overseas STEM Experience

画像 Gerry Atkin
Overseas STEM Experience
2019年 04月 8日(Monday) 10:12 - Gerry Atkin の投稿

Congratulations to Tipene Anderson, Davis Farrar-Fergusson and Potiki Watling, who have been selected through the Pūhoro STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics) Academy, in collaboration with Āmua Ao, for an overseas STEM experience.  Tipene, Davis and Potiki depart tomorrow for Taiwan and then onto Singapore as part of a group of 15 local students.  This trip, organized in association with the Council of Indigenous Peoples of TaiwanEnvironmental Science and Research (ESR) and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) will provide them with opportunities to engage with leaders in health technology, digital technology and computer engineering.  Furthermore, underpinning the experience is the opportunity to strengthen global indigenous ties and expand further the horizons of those selected to attend.

 Congratulations to all these tauira and their whānau. Pūhoro ki te hoe!!