Caleb Bottcher P2P

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Caleb Bottcher P2P
Gerry Atkin發表於2019年 06月 7日(Fri) 16:14

Congratulations to Year 13 student Caleb Bottcher, who has been selected by Cycling New Zealand for the Pathway to Podium programme. Caleb is currently training and racing in Canada and the USA. Recently he raced at Mt Tremblant and Baie St Paul in the Junior World Series rounds, placing 17th and 11th respectively. The following day Caleb was up at 3am to drive 7 hours from Baie St Paul to Highland Park in the USA where he placed 3rd in the Pro Men category at the Bubba Trophy Series. These are fantastic results for Caleb and testament to the hard work he has put into his training.