Karate Success

Picture of Gerry Atkin
Karate Success
'mei a Gerry Atkin - Tuesday, 20 August 2019, 10:53 AM 'aho

Congratulations to Ryan Bennett and Drew Bennett who recently traveled to Australia as part of the New Zealand Davis Karate Academy team to compete in the 12th International Shito-Ryu karate Taikai (tournament)  The Tournament included competitors from Japan, USA, Mexico, India, Malaysia, Canada.  Ryan placed 2nd in Kata and 2nd in Kumite in his age group 16-18 years, while Drew came 3rd in Kumite in his age group 12-15years.  Both Ryan and Drew also took their black belt examinations during the trip which they both passed, Ryan gaining his 2nd Dan Black Belt and Drew gaining his 1st Dan Black Belt.