Classroom Opening

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Classroom Opening
par Gerry Atkin, Thursday 31 October 2019, 20:19

This evening a function was held to officially ‘open’ the classroom built by our senior Construction students. Over the last 18 months, approximately 120 young men have been involved in the project, completing all elements of the classroom construction under the guidance of teaching staff in the Technology department. This has been a significant undertaking and has helped to provide young men with a very practical project on which to develop their skills. The classroom will be timetabled for student use from the beginning of the 2020 school year. At the opening, we were pleased to be able to host many of our school sponsors and supporters, representatives from local businesses who have supported the project, as well as local employers who assist us by providing work placements for young men in the Gateway programme. Special thanks must go to the Head of Technology, Mr. Richard Fogarty, whose drive and determination has been instrumental in launching this very successful initiative. Planning is now underway for the next classroom project for 2020.