PNBHS Father and Son Breakfast

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PNBHS Father and Son Breakfast
Gerry Atkin - 2020年02月17日 Monday 11:46

Dear Parents,

Re: PNBHS Father and Son Breakfast,

I would like to extend an invitation to the PNBHS ‘Father and Son Breakfast’ on Monday, February 24.  This event is open to all interested students and their fathers, or another significant male role model in their lives. 

Entry cost $13.00 per person that will be in attendance and will be sold on a ‘first in’ basis due to limited spaces. Please note this is a ticketless event, a door list will be present.

The last day to make payment is 5:00 pm February 20 2020.

The breakfast will be hosted in the College House Dining Room, doors open from 7:45am for an 8:00am start.  During this time, there will be brief presentations.

Later in the year we will be hosting a ‘Mother and Son Breakfast’ and a ‘Grandparents and Grandsons Breakfast’.   

Tickets for the Father and Son Breakfast can be purchased here.

Kind Regards,

D M Bovey


(Edited by Ella Mitchell - original submission Friday, 7 February 2020, 12:49 PM)