ICT Department News

9PG Research Presentations - Te Rauparaha and Georgy Zhukov

Imagen de Mark Callagher
9PG Research Presentations - Te Rauparaha and Georgy Zhukov
de Mark Callagher - Friday, 26 de September de 2014, 14:40

9PG completed their research presentations to their class today. The two that really stood out were on two very different leaders from opposite sides of the world and different centuries.

The SOLO Assessment class task here is to get students to focus on the research and presentation task in collaboration with each other, rather than the ICT tool, wch is really only there to support their learning. My role as a teacher is to help the students to learn to effectively research - find the right information, structure it and synthesise it down, and continue to ask the right questions etc... I also make recommendations about good presentation techniques when it comes to slideshows and presenting to an audience. The students find ts task not only challenging and enjoyable, but always agree that the skills are transferable across a range of subjects.

Here are the research/presentation notes for "Who is Te Rauparaha?" by Thor and Jaykob (below)

Here are the research/presentation notes for "Who is Georgy Zhukov?" by Leon and Triam (below)