FLASHBACK FRIDAY- Visual Art Student

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FLASHBACK FRIDAY- Visual Art Student
by Gerard Atkin - Friday, 22 May 2020, 7:11 AM

Gordon Zhao came to PNBHS as a Year 10 student in 2014 until his final year in 2016. Gordon says “I am now a 3rd-year student studying Infection and Immunity at Otago University. Maybe I will be a research scientist studying the coronavirus in the future! That reminds me of my Painting scholarship portfolio about pandemic back in 2016. I guess I have always been interested in the virus.”

Gordon still uses his art skills. He is now the president of the Otago Student Art Association. He organises a lot of events such as Sketchcrawl where groups of students go around Dunedin and do draw. They also regularly showcase the students' artwork. Follow them on Facebook - OUSAArtAssociation.