Senior B Debating v Wellington College - Wednesday 22 July

Picture of Ella Mitchell
Senior B Debating v Wellington College - Wednesday 22 July
'mei a Ella Mitchell - Thursday, 23 July 2020, 2:29 PM 'aho

Senior B Debating v Wellington College - Wednesday 22 July

Senior B: Lucas Richardson, Muhammad Huzaifa and John Hopcroft

Moot: "This House would stop schools importing players for sports teams"
PNBHS (affirming) vs Wellington College (negating)

PNBHS came out strong with the hardlines that schools are for education, not sports; that school sports are only to advertise the school and don't serve a useful purpose past that and that if you pay for an asset you will use it as such, disregarding other human factors. 

Wellington College's case was built around sports being a gateway to better opportunities and that students from lower socio-economic brackets could enhance their potential learning opportunities by being imported into more prestigious schools. Ultimately, the debate hinged on one line from Wellington College that summed up the debate succinctly - "that keeping students in their rural schools is not home-grown talent, it is home-killed talent" - which clinched it for them in a very close debate.