Sir John Kirwan

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Sir John Kirwan
by Ella Mitchell - Monday, 14 September 2020, 6:38 PM

Sir John Kirwan

Today young men in Year 9 had the opportunity to hear a presentation from former All Black and mental health promoter Sir John Kirwan. 

 Through describing his own battle with mental illness Sir John was able to get across some key messages:
- We all have physical health and we all have mental health - it is important that we look after our mental health in the same way that we do our physical health.
- If we are struggling with our mental health it is important that we talk to someone about it - this will usually be our family and friends. If a mate reaches out to you, listen to them and then help them get the support they need.

We would like to thank Westpac bank for providing this opportunity. Sir John Kirwan is a Westpac Ambassador.