NZ Titleholders

Picture of Gerry Atkin
NZ Titleholders
by Gerry Atkin - Friday, 16 October 2020, 1:28 PM

At today we recognised young men who have earned New Zealand titles in 2020:


Angus Lyver -  National Secondary Schools U16 200m Sprint Title 

Lucas Reed -   National S.S. Triathlon U14 Champion

Harrison Craw - National Track Cycling Derby Title

Riley Hudson - National S.S High Overall Clay Target Shooting Title

Johnathan Jameison -  National U16 MTB Downhill Title


Callum McKinnon & Carlos Fung - National Table Tennis C Grade Pairs Champions

Lucas Reed & Zac Lee - National S.S Triathlon U14 Mixed Team Title

Ta & Harrison Craw - National Track Cycling U15 Team Sprint Title