Smedley Selection

画像 Gerry Atkin
Smedley Selection
2020年 10月 19日(Monday) 09:43 - Gerry Atkin の投稿

Congratulations to James Steele and Jordon King, who have both been accepted to begin cadetships at Smedley Station and Cadet Training Farm in 2021. Jordon and James have both been involved with the PNBHS Young Farmers during their time at school and this year have both completed a Trades Academy course through PITO, the Primary Industries Training Organisation. This course provided them with the opportunity to undertake practical work off-site one-day-per-week as well as time at school to complete the theory components of their programme. There are usually 80-100 applications for the 11 places available at Smedley, so Jordon and James’ selection says a lot about their character and work ethic.