Presentation of Crest to Crest Certificates

Gerry Atkin 사진
Presentation of Crest to Crest Certificates
Friday, 23 October 2020, 1:06 PM 에 Gerry Atkin

The Crest to Crest is a five-day endurance challenge for selected Year 13 students.

The Crest to Crest begins with a 21km mountain run, followed by

70km mountain bike ride, 98km canoe, 170km road cycle

and ends with a 24km run into the School from Feilding.

This year’s group completed the challenge in a combined total of 26 Hours, 49 minutes

In order to be presented with their certificates, all competitors who started the race must finish it.

Ciaran Carroll

Matthew Cooper

Elyjah Crosswell

Jamie Dennis

Alex Evans

Oliver Ferguson

Joshua Gloyn

Thomas Greig

Finn Hannan

Tom Hansen

Thomas Kirk

William Leong

Ben Loudon

Zac Maskill

David Murphy

Ben Orr

Jack Pronk

Hamish Ramsay

Jake Thompson

Raymond Tuputupu