1st XV Rugby

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1st XV Rugby
Ella Mitchell發表於2020年 10月 28日(Wed) 20:06

The 1st XV Rugby had their 2020 Prizegiving last Thursday night. Congratulations to the following prize winners, as voted by their fellow teammates. The team also farewelled Mr van Stipriaan as 1st XV Head Coach after eight years.

Stratton Brothers Cup for Most Improved Player - Tayne Harvey 

PNHSOBRFC 75th Jubilee Cup for Most Promising Player - Tayne Harvey                      

Talamaivao Memorial Trophy for Best Tackler - Raymond Tuputupu 

Trainers Cup - Feleti Sae-Ta'ufo'ou  

Team Player Award-  Lafo Takiari-Ah Ching

Best Forward - Raymond Tuputupu                                                             

Best Back - Lafo Takiari-Ah Ching

Ferris Cup for Greatest Contribution to Rugby - Tom Hansen      

Player of the Year - Elyjah Crosswell     

Congratulations also to Hunter Morrison, Sam Simpson and Reuben Davis for being presented with their caps.