Māori and Pasifika Student Achievement Hui

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Māori and Pasifika Student Achievement Hui
Ella Mitchell - 2021年02月2日 Tuesday 15:28

Māori and Pasifika Student Achievement Hui

Wednesday 10th February (Week 2) |  5.45pm | Speirs Centre

We would like to invite all Year 9 students identified as being Māori or Pasifika and their parents/guardians to our Māori and Pasifika Student Achievement Hui on Wednesday 10th February (Week 2) at 5.45pm in the Speirs Centre. 

You will get a chance to meet our Year 9 Deans, our Absences personnel, our Guidance Counsellors, our Dean of Māori Student Achievement, Dean of Pasifika Student Achievement, ourMāori and Pasifika student Support personnel, our Leadership Director, our Teacher Aides and more. 

Light refreshments will available. We look forward to seeing you there and welcoming you to Palmerston North Boys' High School.