Alert Level 2 Update

Pikitia o Gerry Atkin
Alert Level 2 Update
Gerry Atkin - Monday, 15 February 2021, 3:41 PM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please find below some further updates relating to school activities at Alert Level 2 and our planning for possible future Alert Level changes:

·       To help ensure both our young men and staff are prepared for a possible move to a higher Alert Level we are encouraging all young men to bring the device they would use for remote learning to school from TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 16, if possible.  Please note that mobile phones are NOT allowed to be brought to school.  We appreciate that not all young men will have a device they can bring to school.  Teachers will take them through the logistics of accessing the various programmes and applications that may be required for remote learning.  Students who are unable to bring a device to school will be able to do this from home.  If there are financial circumstances that make it impossible for you to provide a laptop for your son, please contact his Year Level Dean so that all options can be explored.  Year 9 College House will have the opportunity to take College House Chromebooks to school to ensure that they can log into the school system as necessary.

·       There will be a Junior Assembly tomorrow morning in the school hall.  Junior students have been given information on how to enter the hall and where to sit so that physical distancing can be maintained.  Senior students will need to be at school in time for the start of Form Time at 9.00am.

·       Any student who is unable to log onto the school network from home can report to room A6 at 8.45am tomorrow (Tuesday) morning and Mr. Toomer will assist him in this regard.  This takes precedence over assembly attendance for junior students.

·       The Year 9 Music Information evening scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, February 16 has been postponed.  We will advise parents of the new arrangements once they have been confirmed.

·       Manawatū Secondary Schools Touch for this week has been cancelled.

Can I please encourage you to remind your son that it is important he regularly washes and dries his hands, coughs and sneezes into his elbow or a tissue and tries to avoid touching his face.  Tissues should be disposed of immediately after use.  High standards of personal hygiene are essential at all times.

While we are fortunate that at Alert Level 2 the restrictions on our daily activities are relatively minor, many in our community, including our young men, will be experiencing heightened levels of anxiety.  Should you be concerned about this I encourage you to make contact with one of our Guidance Counsellors so that support can be provided for your son (Mr. Steve Dawson 3545176 ext. 764 or Mr. Brett Greer 3545176 ext. 717). 

Mr. Dawson has prepared a presentation that assists parents in understanding the causes of anxiety and provides some simple exercises that can help to reduce anxiety.  This presentation can be viewed here (ctrl + click or copy and paste into your web browser):

Thank you again for your support as we work through the challenges that the response to Covid-19 has imposed on us.

Yours faithfully,


D M Bovey