Vex Robotics World Championship

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Vex Robotics World Championship
Peter Truter發表於2021年 05月 5日(Wed) 15:51

Last year, as students of PNINS, Jacob Leen, Tommy Read, Campbell Bassett and Ben Phillips qualified for the Vex Robotics World Championships.  The impact of Covid on these World Championships has meant that this year's championships has been adapted to be a live remote competition.  

Yesterday, in preparation for the World Championships which are taking place in three weeks time, they participated in an international live remote practice tournament which was open to all teams who had qualified.  They finished a very creditable second out of the field of 32 teams, and were disappointed to have missed out on the opportunity to compete in the finals due to a technical issue.  

Well done to Jacob for the significant lengths he went to in organising a hasty departure to participate in the Shand Shield Cross Country competition before dashing back to continue his involvement with his team mates in the robotics competition.