Cook Islands Language Week

Nutzerbild von Gerry Atkin
Cook Islands Language Week
von Gerry Atkin - Monday, 2. August 2021, 07:55

Kia Orāna kōtou kātoatoa! Welcome to Cook Islands Language Week.

This year’s Cook Islands Language Week theme is ‘Ātuitui’ia au ki te Oneone o tōku ‘Ui Tupuna, which translates to: ‘Connect me to the soils of my ancestors’.

The theme reflects on the journey of Cook Islands peoples in Aotearoa, as well as the longing of young Cook Islanders to connect with their language, culture, and identity.

We invite everyone to embrace the wonderful Cook Islands language, culture and traditions and to try learning some simple Te Reo Māori Kuki ‘Airani words such as ‘Kia Orāna’ (Greetings/Hello) and ‘Meitaki’ (Thank you).