Weekly Update

Picture of Gerry Atkin
Weekly Update
i le Gerry Atkin - Friday, 20 August 2021, 12:21 PM
- All planned school and co-curricular activities will be re-evaluated once we have confirmation of the Alert Level for next week.
- Based on our 2020 experiences and moving out of Alert Level 4, it is likely that this will be done in a staged manner. Under Level 3 restrictions the Year 9 and Year 10 children of essential workers have the opportunity to be supervised at school. If we move to Alert Level 3 and it will be necessary for your son to be supervised at school so that you can return to work, please email the school office with your son's name and form class - Please note that this request is preparatory - we have no information to indicate that a move to Alert Level 3 will occur or any indication of a timeframe for such a move.
- If any of your contact details have changed please inform the school office so that our records can be updated