Primary Industries Presentation

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Primary Industries Presentation
Gerry Atkin發表於2015年 06月 22日(Mon) 16:53

M and L.PNG

New Zealand needs a skilled primary industries' workforce now and in the near future.
• Across all primary industries by 2025 (only 10 years away!) a net increase of 48,100 more workers is needed. However, there are 90,500 more workers with qualifications needed and 42,700 fewer workers without post-school qualifications needed. 
• The message is clear: for people with post-school qualifications the opportunities are HUGE! 
On Thursday, June 25 Massey University, Lincoln University and DairyNZ will present brief presentations from five or six young, local representatives from different areas of the primary sector value chain (such as farmers, rural bankers, vets, food technologists, fertilizer reps, rural accountants, environmental managers, scientists etc.). Their presentations will cover:
• The Present: their current role and a typical day - what they actually 'do' in their day to day work.
• The Past: How they got there. What training or qualifications they needed for their role
• The Future: What's the next step up if they want to move - how transferable are their skills? What are their prospects in the next 5-10 years?

See Mr Adams (Careers) to register before interval on Wednesday, June 24.

Dairy Careers.PNG