Gateway student Liam Earle

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Gateway student Liam Earle
Sally Wenham發表於2021年 10月 19日(Tue) 14:04

Congratulations to Gateway student Liam Earle who leaves PNBHS today to start employment with an apprenticeship opportunity with Couchmans Electrical, his work placement company.  Liam has completed several Electrical theory papers as well as a selection of industry recognized practical courses whilst on the Gateway programme this year all of which has helped to make him ‘work ready’.  All at PNBHS wish Liam the best. 


I would like to thank Couchmans Electrical for not only offering year on year work placement opportunities to young men from PNBHS but also for providing, for the right students, employment and apprenticeship opportunities.  Liam is the third student that Couchmans Electrical have taken on in the past few years.