Gateway Automotive student Hayden Bell

Picture of Sally Wenham
Gateway Automotive student Hayden Bell
'mei a Sally Wenham - Monday, 1 November 2021, 2:06 PM 'aho

Prime Minister's Vocational Excellency Award winner leaves PNBHS for employment.

Congratulations to Gateway Automotive student Hayden Bell who leaves PNBHS today to begin employment with Machinery Specialists. 

Hayden has had an extremely successful year on the Gateway course and is the only student to complete the equivalent of 6 months of the Motor Industry Training Organisation (MITO) apprenticeship via achieving all credits available in both the MITO Introductory course and the MITO Advance course.  In addition, Hayden was selected for the prestigious Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellency Award, where once again he was successful. 

As with all Gateway students Hayden not only completed industry recognised theory paperwork but also completed several practical courses as well as undertaking a weekly work placement.  The combination of these elements played a major contributing factor in Hayden gaining employment. 

All at PNBHS wish Hayden well.