Richard Absolon

รูปภาพของGerry Atkin
Richard Absolon
โดย Gerry Atkin - Monday, 13 June 2022, 11:58AM

June 13 marks 40 years since Old Boy Richard Absolon was killed in the Falkland Islands campaign. Mr. Absolon’s story is intertwined with that of another Old Boy, Trevor Romeril. Mr. Romeril served with Mr. Absolon in the Falklands and, after coming under enemy fire, had his life saved when Mr. Absolon tackled him to the ground and jumped on top of him to protect him.  The extract below is from Mr. Romeril’s presentation at assembly in 2002 – the 20th anniversary of Mr. Absolon’s death. 

 “Whilst on a reconnaissance mission, guiding a platoon through enemy lines they were spotted by the Argentine forces and sustained a heavy amount of fire from the enemy. “Within five minutes the two soldiers with the machine guns were hit, Richard and I were the only two of the platoon left”. The two needed ammo and the only person with some was an injured man. Trevor had gone for two trips to retrieve it from the injured soldier and on the third Richard joined him. 

 By this time, however, the enemy had zeroed in on their position. “Suddenly Richard tackled me,” Trevor gasped. Trevor got out from under Richard and then he suddenly realised that Richard had been hit badly by a mortar shell, he was still alive but had extensive injuries to his back, chest and legs after the fragments from the shell ripped through his body. Trevor attempted to resuscitate him twice but in the end, his wounds were too extensive. Richard Absolon, a sniper with a British paratrooper regiment was killed in action in the Falklands in June 1982. He was 18.” 

 Watch the Rector, Mr. Bovey, retell the story of Mr. Absolon and Mr. Romeril at assembly to mark the 40th anniversary of Mr. Absolon's death.