Coen Mitchell

Pikitia o Gerry Atkin
Coen Mitchell
Gerry Atkin - Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 10:13 AM

Coen Mitchell 

Past Accelerate Student (Renaissance Man) – 2007 to 2011 

As a student Coen always showed a keen interest in the biochemistry of human skin, astounding many of his teachers and peers with his knowledge. This, coupled with sublime artistic skills developed in the Palmerston North Boys’ High art department, determined Coen’s path.During his final year of high school Coen developed an interest in tattoo artistry but, due to being very young, struggled to get a foot in the door at any local professional tattoo parlours. Coen moved out of home at the age of 17 down to Wellington where he studied a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Massey University. After one year Coen was lucky enough to be given the opportunity as a Tattoo Apprentice at a great studio/parlour in Wellington.  

After 4 solid years of hard work and dedication to the craft, Coen developed a name for himself in the industry which then led on to 3 years of full-time travel around the world. He worked at the world's largest tattoo conventions and other studios in many different countries. Coen built up a very large international clientele base, featured in magazines, worked for Marvel Entertainment as a graphic designer, and won multiple awards through his artistic abilities.  

Coen has now moved back to NZ, owns a successful tattoo studio in Auckland and works alongside eight amazing colleagues creating some of New Zealand's best tattoo art.