
Pikitia o Gerry Atkin
Gerry Atkin - Monday, 20 June 2022, 10:36 AM

Congratulations to Jacob Waugh and Eli Hancock who have been selected for the Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand National Shakespeare Schools Production.  The NSSP is a residential week-long intensive course, studying aspects of Shakespeare’s works and three of his plays in particular under the direction of leading directors.

Following the University of Otago National Sheila Winn Shakespeare Festival that took place in Wellington over Queen's Birthday weekend, 48 young thespians were selected to attend this programme in Dunedin in October.  Following the NSSP 24 students will be selected to become the Young Shakespeare Company to travel to London and perform at the Globe in 2023.

At the NSSP Eli and Jacob will have the opportunity to work with high-calibre tutors running workshops with the whole group for half of each day. For the other half, the students, in their three groups, rehearse with their Director and group for the week, culminating in public performances of scenes from the play each cast has studied. 

We wish Eli and Jacob all the best for this fantastic opportunity.