Semester one Massey University results

Nutzerbild von Gerry Atkin
Semester one Massey University results
von Gerry Atkin - Thursday, 16. July 2015, 09:57

PNBHS students entered a total of 69 semester one Massey University papers with some outstanding results.  Twenty eight grades were in the 'A range'; 16 A+, 8 A, and 4 A- results, meaning our young men achieved A grade passes in 41% of the total number of papers in which they were enrolled.   Another twenty nine were in the 'B range'; 16 B+, 8 B and 5 B-.  The top performers were Bogo Lee (4 A+), Samuel Dobson (3 A+, including two second year papers), Edward Chen (2 A+, including a third year paper), Sam Angel (2 A+) and Jake Mayston (2 A+).  Congratulations to these young men and all of the students sitting Massey papers - your achievements are a direct result of your conscientious and dedicated effort.  Good luck for semester two.  Pictured below are Bogo Lee (left) and Samuel Dobson (right).
