PITO Course

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PITO Course
by Gerry Atkin - Thursday, 25 August 2022, 8:20 AM

On Friday 19 August our Year 11 students got the opportunity to experience a Farm Taster Day run by the Primary ITO. The students were given the opportunity to complete farming-related tasks which include hanging a gate, drafting sheep, making butter, working with a handpiece and tying fencing knots. The day was then finished off with a competition with students working in pairs to set up an electric fence run.

We would like to thank the Primary ITO team for organising the day.

The Primary ITO run farming programmes at school for our Year 12 and Year 13, the programmes they offer can be 1-2 days per week and NCEA credits.  If students would like further information about these courses, staff from the Primary ITO will be attending the school’s Subject Selection evening on Wednesday 24 August, 6.00pm - 7.00pm in the hall.