Classical Studies

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Classical Studies
Gerry Atkin發表於2022年 08月 31日(Wed) 07:36

Yesterday the Years 12 and 13 Classical Studies classes travelled to the Palmerston North Massey University campus for “Massey University Classics Day.” 

All students partook in two mini-lectures in the morning and two workshops in the afternoon. There was a wide array of topics on offer from which students could choose what lecture or workshop that they wanted to attend. Topics included: 

  • Myth and religion in early Rome 
  • Cleopatra 
  • Augustus Caesar 
  • Ancient Greek vases 
  • Greek and Roman women 
  • Propaganda through Greek & Roman Art and Architecture 

The day ended with each of the seven visiting schools entering a team of three, to compete for prizes in a Classical Studies General Knowledge Quiz. Representing Palmerston North Boys’ were Eli Hancock, Josh Brown & Joel Wakely. They came a respectable 4th place, missing out on a placing in the top three, by 1 mark.