Dear Young Men in Year 13,
Re: Year 13 Leavers’ Dinner
You are invited to the 2022 Year 13 Leavers’ Dinner. The Leavers’ Dinner is an opportunity for us to recognise your contribution to Palmerston North Boys’ High School and for you to socialise with your peers and staff.
Date: Tuesday, November 1
Time: 6.00pm
Venue: College House Dining Room
Dress code: Semi-formal (collared shirt, tie, dress trousers, dress shoes)
Cost: $35.00 to be paid by Friday, 21 October at the latest via the internet banking details below or via cash/Eftpos at the Finance Office:
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Palmerston North Boys' High School
Account Number: 03 0726 0476403 00
Reference #1: Leavers' Dinner
Reference #2 : Students Name
I look forward to seeing you at the Leavers’ Dinner.
Yours faithfully,
D M Bovey