Music Presentations

Picture of Gerry Atkin
Music Presentations
i le Gerry Atkin - Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 4:55 PM

The PNBHS Stage Band and Jazz Combo performed in the Manawatu Jazz Festival last weekend and continued their success of recent weeks.  The Stage Band were awarded Best Manawatū Big Band for the 14th consecutive year while Alex Christensen from the PNBHS Combo was awarded Most Outstanding Guitarist and Luca Tatana Most Outstanding Drummer.  Hamish Edmunds collected the shield on behalf of the Stage Band.

Music ties were presented to Armani Whitehead-Wilson and Jesse Wallace, who have both been selected in the New Zealand Secondary Students’ Choir for 2023 and 2024. Also in the New Zealand Secondary Students’ Choir are Same Millward and Josh Webster, while Axis Simon has been selected in the New Zealand Academy Choir.  These young men have previously been presented with their music ties.